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Environment & Sustainability

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Environment and Sustainability


The generally accepted definition of sustainable development is ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’ The three pillars of sustainability are environmental, social, and economic.

In practice, the key areas where construction is not environmentally sustainable are:

• The waste generated during construction and its contribution to the waste mountain.
• The pollution of river courses by silt which kills fish
• The carbon emissions as a result of energy used in the manufacture and transport of products and in construction activities.

The construction industry can contribute to better sustainability through:

• Low carbon buildings – buildings account for 50% of all emissions
• By reducing, reusing, recovering and recycling waste generated in the construction process.
• By designing buildings to encourage people to be more environmentally friendly.
• The opportunity for construction clients, developers and contractors to have a part to play in social and economic sustainability.
• Adapting to foreseen climate change – for example preparing for greater flood risk, storms, droughts and rises in sea levels.

Many of these issues are underpinned by legislation which mostly emanates from the EU. However the regulations and the way they are interpreted and policed by government can sometimes be counter-productive, causing unnecessary bureaucracy and delay which hinders good environmental practice.

The Federation is working with the Better Regulation Board and lobbying the Assembly to make the regulations more industry friendly.

Raising Awareness

The CEF raises awareness of the importance of sustainability issues through a programme of seminars, courses, and study visits to exemplar sustainable developments.

Detailed Training

The CEF runs short courses in subjects such as Site Waste Management Planning and Contaminated Land.

Links to Other Environmental Websites

This is a useful website covering environmental regulations including construction specific guidance on the regulations.

Northern Ireland Environment Agency
