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Government P&P - Constructionline

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Constructionline is the UK register of  pre-qualified local and national construction and related suppliers.

The concept of a single national database was proposed in 1994 Latham Report. Since then Constructionline has grown and been updated in line with the needs of modern procurement.

In Northern Ireland for all public sector construction work below the OJEU theshold, contractors must be registered with Constructionline.

For more details on how to become registered with Constructionline click here


Constructionline launches new data base

13 August 2009: Constructionline has now launched its new data base for Buyers and Suppliers. The new data base is much more user friendly and is currently being demonstrated to suppliers and buyers at a series of workshops.

The Federation will arrange a demonstration of the new data base during the Autumn round of Local Association meetings.

CEF now has access to Constructionline which may be used from time to time to check members details.


CONSTRUCTIONLINE - Template Advert for Construction Contracts

One of the most regular complaints we receive concerning Constructionline is the request in tender adverts for information already held by Constructionline such as trading accounts, insurances, etc.

In order to resolve these problems, the Federation proposed that there should be a standard template developed for all government clients that should be used when advertising to contractors.

That template has now been approved by the Central Procurement Directorate of the Department of Finance and Personnel and will be implemented forthwith.

CONSTRUCTIONLINE - Template Advert for Construction Contracts
Applications are invited from Contractors who are registered with Constructionline (optionin the following categories {List Work Category/ies})and who wish to be considered for inclusion on a Select List of Contractors to be invited to tender for the following project:-
{Full details of work to be undertaken and location.}
Contract Period of {number} weeks is programmed to commence in {month}
The estimated cost is {££} excluding VAT.
Contractors must provide the following:-
1.       Constructionline Registration Number.
2.       Details of Tax Exemption Certificate (CIS5) or (CIS6) under the Inland Revenue Construction Industry Scheme.
3.       Health and Safety Management system – name of accreditation body and reference/certificate number, or written confirmation from an accreditation body that accreditation is being sought. (Buildsafe – NI Initiative.)
(Where selection is to be based solely on responses to this advertisement 4 and 5 may be added. Where the information in 4 and 5 is to be sought in a questionnaire they should not be included in the advertisement.)
4.       Detailsof{number} similar projects undertaken during the past {number} years to include Client, Contract name, Telephone Number, and brief description of project.
5.       Details of Management Structure.
Failure to supply any of the required information may result in the application not being considered.
Written applications quoting reference {number} should be submitted to:-
{Address of Department, Agency or NDPB}
To arrive not later than{date}