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Ex-Construction Workers Claiming Unemployment Benefit

CEF monitors the number of ex-construction workers claiming unemployment benefit. The raw data is sourced directly from the Jobs and Benefits Offices which record the previous job of each claimant.
The construction claimant count figures are published monthly and are broken down by both parliamentary constituency and district council areas. (Use the left hand menu to browse the monthly figures)

The claimant count figures do not equate to the number of job losses in the construction industry.  Many construction workers who are made unemployed will take a low skilled, low paid job unrelated to construction in order to maintain an income. Migrant workers made redundant will often return to their country of origin and some unemployed Northern Irish workers will move to other countries to find construction work.

Construction Claimants January 2008 - April 2016

The following graph shows the trend in the number of ex-construction workers claiming unemployment benefits since the start of 2008. 

Graph of Construction Workers Claiming Unemployment Benefit