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The Winners 2012

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15 October 2012: The winners of the Construction Excellence Awards 2012 have been announced at a Gala Evening ceremony in Belfast. Guest of Honour, OFMDFM Junior Minister Jonathan Bell revealed Mascott Construction as the winner of the Overall Award for the new Metropolitan Arts Centre in Belfast, known as the MAC.


The impressive arts facility, which also won the Commercial Construction Award, emerged as the ultimate winner for 2012 against stiff competition from the other 14 category winners including the QUB’s Riddel Hall by Tracey Bros, the Belfast Streets Ahead project by Farrans and Culturlann McAdam O’Fiaich by Glasgiven Contracts.


Congratulating the overall winners John Armstrong, Managing Director of the Construction Employers Federation said, “I commend Mascott for their outstanding work in delivering this distinctive arts centre in such an exemplary fashion. The judges’ view is that this £14m project is a real success, far exceeding client expectations and estimates of public engagement. The extremely tight site in the heart of Belfast posed countless construction challenges but the team at Mascott, with the support of the client and their consultants, overcame all obstacles to ensure the project was ready for the glittering opening night.”


“What these awards show more than anything else is the unique role that construction plays in improving our society. Investment in buildings equals jobs and, pound for pound, it boosts the wider economy more than any other type of investment. However, the benefits do not stop there. These high quality projects leave an enduring legacy of good - whether it is the new school that improves educational outcomes, the road that shortens journey times or the arts centre that provides a cultural hub for tourists and locals alike.”


In excess of 400 people attended the Culloden Hotel for the prestigious ceremony which is now firmly established as the highlight of the construction calendar. The audience, which included guests from across the political, public and private sectors, was addressed by Jonathan Bell, OFMDFM Junior Minister.


The Minister said “The Executive is focusing its efforts on regeneration and looking for opportunities across the globe to market Northern Ireland’s indigenous skills and its desirability as a business hub.”


“We have recognised that improving our infrastructure pays significant dividends. It enhances Northern Ireland’s appeal to major business investors and it ensures that the brightest and best in our all-important construction industry have a role to play in combating the present downturn.”


Another big success story of the night was triple winner Farrans Construction, who picked up the Transport Infrastructure Award for the Belfast Streets Ahead project, the Health and Safety Award and the Partnering Award.


The quality work of a number of smaller companies shone through in this year’s competition as well. Glenview Contracts secured the Private Housing Award for developments of 1-5 units for their Wheeler Connon Development in Glenariff, whilst JFM Contracts won the Health Infrastructure Award for Rose Martha Care Home.


Lagan Construction, as well as winning the Utilities Infrastructure Award, became the first holders of the newly created Exporting Award. The Exporting Award was launched this year in recognition of the growing economic importance to Northern Ireland of construction as an export industry.

Woodvale Construction picked up the Restoration Award for the second year in a row for their work on the First Derry Presbyterian Church.

The Social Housing Award was won by O’Hanlon and Farrell for Cedar Court in Downpatrick and the Private Housing Award for developments of six or more units was won by Beshouse Residential Properties for the Brooks, Ballyclare.

Henry Brothers picked up the Training Award and the Environmental Sustainability Award was won by Pattons.