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Member Liaison - Private Housing Committee

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Private Housing Committee

The Private Housing Committee represents the interest of Federation members involved in the construction of private houses. The Committee liaises regularly with government agencies and statutory undertakers and other bodies that directly affect the provision of private houses, including the Planning Service, Roads Service, NI Environment Agency, NI Water, NHBC, the Law Society and many others.

Current Membership

Belfast Barry Alcorn Boland Reilly Homes Ltd
Belfast David Dunlop Dunlop Homes Ltd
Belfast Bryan Vaughan Vaughan Developments Ltd
Belfast Conor Mulligan Lagan Homes Ltd
Belfast Dominic Lavery Farrans (Construction) Ltd
Belfast James Hagan Hagan Homes Ltd
Antrim Ian Henry Henry Brothers (Magherafelt) Ltd
Armagh Des Lavery Charles Lavery & Sons
Down Vacant Vacant
Fermanagh David Magee Antrim Construction Company Ltd
Londonderry Noel Young P Young & Sons Ltd
Tyrone Vacant Vacant
Co-opted Archi Rowan Micwall Developments Ltd
Co-opted Vacant Vacant