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Member Liaison - Social Housing Committee

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Social Housing Committee

The Social Housing Committee represents the interests of Federation members involved in the construction of social houses. The committee liaises regularly with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and the Department for Social Development.

Current Membership

Belfast Mark Spence    Maurice Flynn & Sons
Belfast Paul Hanna      Mascott Ltd
Belfast Tim Hughes       TAL Ltd
Belfast Vacant  
Belfast Dominic Lavery Farrans (Construction) Ltd
Belfast Michael Thompson T & A Kernoghan Ltd
Antrim D J Dixon       Dixon Contractors Ltd
Armagh  Brian Fox                   Bann Ltd
Down  Mark Kelly Kelly Brothers Ltd
Fermanagh Vacant    Vacant
Londonderry Heather Burton Donaghmore Construction Ltd
Tyrone Rhona Quinn             Qmac Construction Ltd
Co-opted  Damien Murray        GEDA Construction Co Ltd
Co-opted Ian Lowry  Lowry Brothers Ltd