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Client Recognition

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What about client recognition? What does certification tell clients?
The support of the NVIR-O-CERT by the Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) demonstrates to clients that the scheme is credible and that it provides a robust assessment of a company’s environmental management.
The Government Construction Clients have been considering introducing a requirement that all companies working for the public sector must have a third party accredited environmental management system.
It is likely that such a requirement will be introduced. Companies certified by NVIR-O-CERT will meet the criteria.
CEF will liaise with its sister organisation in the Republic of Ireland, the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), with a view to securing the support of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) for NVIR-O-CERT and also securing recognition in public procurement policy in the Republic of Ireland.
CEF will liaise with BRE to seek recognition of NVIR-O-CERT in relation to BREEAM assessments.