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Legal Line

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CEF Legal Line

A series of legal articles and updates relevant to the construction sector have been prepared by Carson McDowell on behalf on the Construction Employers Federation.  

Click on the link below to view the full article.

Issue 3 - March 2010 

Procurement – Remedies Directive - Update

Adjudication Decisions – “Making them Count”

I Paid for It So Surely I Own It

Corporate Manslaughter – The New Act Begins to Bite

Arbitration in Scotland – “a New Dawn”

The new procurement Remedies Directive has now been introduced in Northern Ireland...

Adjudication can be a swift and effective means of resolving a dispute and getting paid. 

A recent court decision has highlighted the importance...

The first prosecution under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007...

Many Northern Ireland construction companies also carry out work in Scotland. 

Issue 2 - October 2009

Employers' Liability for the safety of Others' Equipment

The Companies Act 2006

Employment Law Update

Directors Disqualification

Remedies Directive

A recent decision of the House of Lords has sought to clarify the circumstances when employers will be strictly liable for injuries...

The remaining provisions of the Companies Act 2006 have now been brought into force from 1 October 2009...

A number of legislative changes are taking place in October 2009 which may impact on the construction industry...

Disqualification as a company director may not be a particularly well known power available to the courts...

The introduction of the new Remedies Directive, which is required to be implemented into UK law by 20 December 2009...


Issue 1 - June 2009

Clean Soils are still Waste

Adjudication & Payment Provisions

Manual Handling

Redundancy Payment & Process

Procurement Update

Clean soils which are excavated for construction are regarded as waste and must....

A bill is currently working its way through Westminister to amend the GB equivalent of the Construction Contracts Order....

A recent court decision has held the fact that an operation involving heavy equipment has been....

Employers who are considering making any of their staff redundant need to consider the four 'C's'....

A recent decision of the European Court of Justice re-emphasised the importance....



 **This information is provided for CEF Members by Carson McDowell Solicitors.  Details are correct at time of publishing, if you require further assistance  please contact the CEF Legal Hotline on 028 9034 8800.**