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Annual Fees

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1. How much does it cost?
1.1 Full audit for companies without ISO 14001
The annual fees for companies undergoing a full NVIR-O-CERT audit and using all the NVIR-O-CERT template documentation are dependent on the turnover of the company as follows:
Company turnover
Standard Rates
25% discounted rate for companies with Safe-T-Cert
£640 + VAT
£480 + VAT
£1,060 + VAT
£795 + VAT
£1,460 + VAT
£1,095 + VAT
£2,340 + VAT
£1,755 + VAT
£2,840 + VAT
£2,130 + VAT
50% of the annual fee is payable in the first year to proceed with your application to join NVIR-O-CERT. The remaining 50% is payable just in advance your audit.
1.2 Crossover audit for companies with ISO14001
The annual fees for companies undergoing a Crossover audit as they have already been certified to ISO 14001 is a flat rate of £500 + VAT regardless of the company’s turnover.

The full £500 + VAT is due in advance in order to proceed with your application to join NVIR-O-CERT. No further payment will be required at the time of audit.

2. What does the 50% upfront payment entitle you to?
To start on the process of becoming certified with NVIR-O-CERT companies must make a payment up front. On receipt of this payment the following templates and guides will be provided to you.
2.1 Risk assessment
·         risk assessment templates to help you assess your environmental risks and put in place plans to minimise those risks. Templates cover:
o   air emissions
o   water discharges, fuel and chemical pollution control
o   waste management
o   land management/contamination
o   energy and resource usage
o   biodiversity and community
o   others
·         risk assessment scoring method guidance
2.2 Operational control procedures
·         operational control procedure templates to help you put in place procedures to make it clear how good environmental performance will be achieved. Templates cover:
o   waste management and recycling
o   energy use
o   water and control of discharges
o   fuels and chemicals
o   site environmental plan
o   maintenance activities
o   biodiversity and protection of the built environment
o   subcontractor control
2.3 Emergency response procedures
·         emergency response procedure templates to help you put in place procedures to deal with common environmental emergencies. Templates cover:
o   Spillage
o   Fire
o   Land contamination
o   Incorrect disposal of waste
o   Archaeological find
o   Protected species find
2.4 Other documents and templates
·         site waste management plan
·         environmental incident report form
·         quarterly internal audit checklist
·         objectives and targets template
·         environmental induction template
·         environmental law register
·         environmental policy